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Q: Is it normal for blood to be in your mucus when in 3rd trimester?
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Is it normal to have discharges in your second trimester?

As long as it doesn't contain blood, yes it is completely normal to have a mucus discharge through the end of the 3rd trimester. If you are questioning a normal/abnormal discharge or you think your bag of water is leaking, call your doctor to confirm.

What trimester is 26 weeks and 1 day of pregnancy?

3rd trimester

What trimester does the fetus accumulate body fat and mineral stores?

3rd trimester

How many cm a week does the fetus grow in the 3rd trimester?

Three Months.

How many weeks is the trimester?

First trimester: 0-12 weeks (so 12 total) Second trimester: 13-28 weeks (so 15 weeks total) Third trimester: 29 weeks-40 weeks (so 11 weeks total)

Early cramping 3rd trimester?

Yah a little cramping is normal...Your body is getting ready for "The Big Day"...All your ligiments and muscles are relaxing and moving about...But if the pain is unberable,you start to spot or your water brakes, be sure to go in right away

When do you start feeling pressure in lower abdomen during pregnancy?

2nd trimester- almost into 3rd

Should you be worried about an itchy rash on your chest and underneath your breast in the 3rd trimester?

Ask your OB

Can a woman who is pregnant but bleeding feel the baby move inside?

Hi, Its very very unlikely to feel the baby moving in your Uterus until your in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Having a normal period every month, is definitely not pregnancy related.

How co-codasmol affect pregnant?

It does not normally affect pregnancy at all, but it may be a problem in the 3rd trimester.

What happens in the 3rd trimester?

The baby will grow to its full term, it will go in lightening, effacement and then prepare for delivery.

During the first trimester of pregnancy can you feel the baby and if so what does it feel like?

Most likely you will not feel the baby move until the 2nd trimester. If you felt the baby move in the first trimester, it would be in the 3rd month and you would feel a little tickle or flutter near your bladder.