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Yes, many women have their babies 3 weeks early

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Q: Is it normal for a women to have a baby 3 weeks early?
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Could a women be induced 3 weeks early if baby is large?

Yes it happens.

How many weeks is it till a baby is born?

it is bout 36 or so weeks Cynthia: It takes 40 weeks but most girls have their baby two weeks early or two weeks later than their due date.

How early can you give birth in pregnancy?

I think the earliest baby that ever survived was 21 weeks? But babies born early are very sick and do not survive a lot of the time. The earliest that is normal to have the baby is 37 weeks, which will be about 3 weeks before you due date. I had my last baby at 35 weeks and he was 6lbs 9oz and very healthy. It's dangerous to have it earlier than that because the lungs haven't developed enough for the baby to breathe on its own.

Is it normal to show when you are 6 weeks pregnant?

Not normal but its ok. U might be farther along than that, or the baby might just be bigger. I showed early and had my baby 8lbs 9 1/2 oz at only 37 weeks! He was big! But that means healthy, so no worries :)

What is the definition of full term in pregnancy women?

AnswerSimply put, it means the mother carried the baby for the normal amount of time (usually 40 weeks).

How early can you take a sonogram?

5 weeks is the earliest most women get theirs (3 weeks after conception). They will have to do a vaginal ultrasound to be able to see anything and it won't look like a baby yet.

Your baby is 12 weeks and has thick green poo is this normal?

Yes it is normal

My baby was pushing down for about six weeks and I'm 37 weeks pregnant is this normal?

Talk to your doctor. Normal term pregnancy is 37-42 weeks.

Is it normal for your belly to feel like its moving during 20 weeks of pregnancy?

Yes. It is perfectly 'normal' to feel the movements of the baby at 20 weeks.. It is one of the most enjoyable experience. Enjoy it. Next time, once you become experienced, you may feel it as early as 16 weeks also. Congratulations ! When 'baby' suckle the milk, happiness on mother's face tell the 'big' story.

Is it possible to feel a lump in your stomach at 4 weeks pregnant?

No, generally speaking a woman can not feel anything at four weeks, it is too early. Feeling the fetus in stomach or feeling of baby movement differ from women to women. But there are some other symptoms which let her know about her pregnancy like nausea, vomiting etc. But these conditions also vary from women to women.

Can you feel your baby move at 12 weeks?

It is not common to feel the baby move at 12 weeks, as movements are usually felt starting around 16-25 weeks of pregnancy. At 12 weeks, the baby is still quite small and the movements are not typically strong enough to be felt by the mother.

Can you start to fell movement from your baby as early as 9 weeks?