No it is NOT normal. All children have a "boogy man" phase, but if you know they are in fact panic attacks with the classic symptoms of such, they are mostly likey a symtom of an anxiety disorder/depression or even just stress from school or life events. Therapy is highly suggested.
Medication perscribed by a doctor, and therapy. And yes, depression can absolutely cause panic attacks. Child Abuse can cause the depression and the panic attacks. The use of medication is dependent on the severity and frequency of the panic attacks. As the previous answerer stated, therapy is so important. Research the therapist.
There aren't many.
Consult your doctor.
of course, he's better than any 9yr old out there of course, he's better than any 9yr old out there
NO! A minor can't work at a bar.
Yes. It is quite common for teenage girls to have anxiety or panic attacks, however, you should seek help from a licensed mental health practitioner who has experience working with anxiety & panic since there's a tendency for the problem to worsen over time. Anxiety is a very normal physiological response to fears or worries; although sometimes teens need help understanding the triggers to anxiety.
Your period could be coming on
Not a good idea
They feel smaller than everyone and decide to hit
yes it's above genius for any age
About 25-30 KG? (about 5 stone, maybe less) It would be difficult to calculate because every girl/boy is a different weight at that age.
It depends on how overweight he is.and if he than that could be a problem for his health