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It is a rather silly thing to do to yourself but it is not illegal. It is good evidence for prosecuting the man if he is over 18. However, in UK if you are over 15, and you love each other and your parents approve, he may just get way with it if he is only just 18 and can show that you started having sex when he was 17 or below.

UK has the highest teenage sex, STIs, pregnances, etc in all of Europe.

UK residents like sex more than anything else, including education.

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Q: Is it illegal to be pregnant at 15?
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In Illinois is it illegal for a 15 year old boy to get and 18 year of girl pregnant?

I am unsure, but I congratulate you

Is it illegal for an 18 year old to get a 15 year old pregnant in Washington?

If she is below the age of consent for Washington then yes.

Is it legal for a 15-year-old girl to get pregnant with her 18-year-old boyfriend in Texas?

It's illegal for a 15yo, a minor, to have sex and it's illegal for a 18yo, an adult, to have sex with a minor. It's statutory rape. The pregnancy itself is not illegal (you wont be punished for getting pregnant) but the sex creating it is.

Is it illegal for a 15 year old to be with a 18 year old and to get her pregnant?

I don't think it is legal because you have to be 16 to have sex (: i think ...

Is it illegal to be 14 and pregnant in CA?

No but it is illegal for a minor to have sex and for someone else to have sex with a minor and to get her pregnant. Whether there will be a penalty for the person getting her pregnant depends on his age.

Can the parents of a 15 and half year old do anything id their daughter is pregnant to a 21 year old?

I'm pretty sure that's illegal.

Is it illegal to be pregnant by a nineteen year old if you are sixteen years old?

No, it is not illegal. However, its not smart. It looks bad on both parts, for a 15 year old to be pregnant, its not good on your body, your body still isn't fully developed, and it could potentially be dangerous for the baby.

What if a 18 year old guy gets a 15 year old girl pregnant is it illegal in Colorado?

I'm pretty sure it'sillegal anywhere in the US.

If a girl is 15 and pregnant and the boyfriend is 18 can he get done by the police in the UK?

yes he could as it is illegal for an adult (over 16) to have intercourse with a child (under 16)

What are the illegal for a 17 to get a 15 year old pregnant in Texas?

I am not sure of the question because it makes no sense. If you are asking whether it is illegal for a 17 yr old to get a 15 yr old pregnant in Texas, the 15 yr old is still statutorily considered a child. Not the the 17 yr old. The parents would have to give consent for the 15 yr old to marry, and may even need a court order as well. The parents can press charges and there is a 3yr age difference clause, which may be in effect here. If you or someone you know who is 17 has gotten or is thinking of getting a 15 yr old pregnant, I could consult an attorney, NOT the Internet.

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Is it illegal to get pregnant at 13?

Generally it is illegal to rape a 12 or 13 year old.