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It depends whether they're just dating or whether they're having sex too. If they're not having sex, it's not illegal. If they are, it's illegal.

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Q: Is it illegal for a minor to date an adult in the state of Florida?
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Is it illegal for and adult of 19 to date a minor 4 years younger in Florida?

Yes, it will be illegal. no there are no dating laws in the U.S. though sexual contact has an age of consent in each state

Is it illegal for an adult to show a minor pictures of gay sex acts?

It depends on state law, but in most places it is illegal.

Is it illegal for an adult to give a minor tobacco in Pennsylvania?

Yes , if it is illegal for minors to smoke in the state, it is illegal to for adults to give them tobacco products.

Is a 17-year-old Florida minor an emancipated adult if she has a child?

No. Merely having a child does not emancipate a minor in any state of the US.

Is it against Indiana state law for a student to live alone if not a minor?

No, it is not illegal to live alone as a adult student.

Can an adult get in trouble for being pregnant by a minor with consent of the minor's parent in the state of Arizona?

Yes it is illegal. Not only the adult for having sex and becoming pregnant by the child, but also the child's parents who agreed the activity.

Is it against the law for a 15 year old girl dating a 18 year old girl in the state of Florida?

no r u stupid u cant consent ur minor and an adult the minor can consentto anouther minor but not to an adult

Can a 16 year old mother move out in the state of Florida?

A minor at the age of 16 is still a minor, even though she may be a mother. A minor is not an adult until the age of 18.

Is it illegal for an adult to take a minor out of Nebraska to get married in another state?

Yes. The legal age for Nebraska is 19. Taking a minor across state lines without the permission of the minors parents is a federal felony. As soon as the minor's parents contacted authorities the adult and the minor would be taken into custody when located in Colorado (or any state) or upon their return to Nebraska.

What is the age for a minor to be emancipated in the state of Florida?

In Florida, a minor must be at least 16 years old to petition for emancipation. Emancipation is a legal process that allows a minor to be treated as an adult before reaching the age of majority.

What is the legal age limit to be dating someone older than you in Florida?

The legal age of consent in Florida is 18. It is illegal for someone over the age of 18 to engage in sexual activity with a minor under the age of 18. Any relationship involving a minor and an adult can lead to potential legal consequences.

Is it illegal to debark a dog in Florida?

Devocalizing or debarking a dog is not yet illegal in the state of Florida. It is illegal in states such as Massachusetts.