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no it is never good to pop your acne because if u do so then it will go down but the bacteria from one pimple will travel to anywhere else in your face and will become even worse then the first one you popped

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14y ago
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12y ago

No, you shouldn't pop them because even if you get most of the stuff out that's in them they wont go away entirely. The best way to get rid of zits is to wash your face routinely with face wash or soap and water.

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12y ago

No, if you pop a pimple & the fluid or the puss from the pimple gets anywhere else on your body, you will break out with more pimples.

yes, you should pop your pimples! because it will go away faster,and you don't want the fluid and puss to be inside the pimple! but you have to be careful when you pop them because you don't want a mark on your face forever!

you should do a science experiment on this and find out the solution.

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11y ago

It is not a good idea to pop a zit. The reason one is not supposed to pop a zit is because anything skin is deliberately broken, it increases the risk of creating a scar or getting an infection.

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15y ago

popping zits are a good way to get an infection and it is not good to!so the answer to your question is no do not pop zits

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12y ago

no because you can put some germs into your open spot where if you used a pin then you can get rid of it and no germs but some zits can be painful so best to leave them

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Q: Is it good to pop your pimples?
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Is a workout a good way to get rid of pimples?

well no not really, because sweating can put baktirea on the skin which causes pimples , work outs are good but after wards have a shower and wash your face, a good way to get rid of pimples is holding ice for a few minutes to the pimple, pop[ping it is not a good way, if u do pop it put clenser on it strait after another way is with pimple creams and lotions

How you remove pimples?

the best way to remove pimples is not to pop them, if you do small holes will appear.

Does pimples leave holes?

Yes, that is a good possibility. Never pop them. Use other means of skin care.

How do you remove pimples from your face?

Pop them and clean them.

How do you you remove pimples from face?

Pop them and clean them.

What to do with Pimples behind ear lobe?

just pop it

How do pimples swollen?

If you pinch them or try to pop them, thy get swollen.

Is getting pimples good?

No. Pimples is not good for face. It decreases the beauty.

Why shouldn't you pop your pimples?

Because it can cause scarring later on in life.

Should you pop pimples?

yes or else will get filled and you have to go to the hospital and if you pop it will go away and you will look beautiful.

How long does pimples go?

I have pimples, so if u leave it it will stay. you can pop it, or wash ur face, and it will go away eventually. Ur skin has oil in it. The bacteria and oil mix and that creates a pimples. Just take good care of ur face. Treat it like it is a child. Care for it. Wash it.

How do you get rid of popped pimples fast?

I know this answer sounds weird but it actually works. If you rub toothpaste into your skin where your pimples are right before you go to sleep they get much smaller. Toothpaste makes the pimples dry so they shrivel and become much smaller. Also toothpaste has fluoride, which kill the bacteria and makes the pimples cleaner so they are not as clogged and disgusting. Another thing you can do is pop them, but you can't pop them right when you get them you must pop them when they are ready (which could take a while). It worked for me and now the pimples are gone! :D