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Although all the baby's organs are formed it is not yet fully developed or mature enough for an independent existence. If it survives it will need specialist care in a neo-natal unit for many weeks and may have developmental problems. Only a small percentage of babies born at 24 weeks survive.

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Yes, this is considered to be premature labour. The baby is likely to survive and eventually be OK, but the baby will need to spend a significant number of weeks in the neonatal unit.

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Q: Is it dangerous to go into labor at 29 weeks?
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How can you go into labor if your 30 weeks?

Yes. It is possible to go into labor at any point. It might not be healthy for the baby to be in labor at 30 weeks, so it's best to get to a hospital and be examined by a medical professional.

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Go for a walk or drive - it worked for me!

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Yes, there are babies who die this late. If you go into labor it's premature labor though and not miscarriage.

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up until 2 weeks

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YES it is very dangerous. You should never let a dog labor more than 2 hours between pups. Your dog needs to go to a Veterinarian immediately.

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If you are 37 weeks, you are full term, it could be labor, sometimes sex can bring on labor. If the pain is really bad go to the hospital. Hope this helps

You are 38 weeks pregnant and having on and off contractions what can you do?

relax and let nature take its course,38 weeks is not to early to go into labor

How long before your due date should you be prepared to possibly go into labor?

36 weeks

How long before I go into labor if I am 3 weeks pregnant with an incompetent cervix 90 percent effaced but not yet dialated?

if you are 3 weeks pregnant, and your effaced 90% i'd say that you need to go get that checked out? 3 weeks prego means you have ur entire 9 months left to go!! if you go into labor soon, you probably wont be delivering a fullterm healthy baby

You have 3 weeks left is it okay to go into labor now 2 cm dilataed when i went to the doctor?

It's okay for you to go into labor at anytime now. Your baby is full term.

If measured in weeks how long is a normal human gestation period?

38-40 weeks it differs. Some go till 42 weeks at that point they usually enduce labor

You are almost 37 weeks and your due date is May 13Th you went to the doctor today and he said you were dilated 2cm and that there was definitly a head down there how long before you go into labor?

Well, they told me the same thing. I didn't go into labor until two weeks later. It just depends on how well YOUR labor goes.