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No. While the shape of your body does depend on your muscles, it is not their function. Muscles regulate movement and posture. If anything the skeletal system retains structure.

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Q: Is it correct to say the function of muscle cells is to give shape to the body?
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Why muscle cell called muscle fibre?

Muscle cells are called muscle fibers because of their long, slender shape that resembles a fiber. The structure of muscle cells allows them to contract and generate force, which is essential for muscle function. The term "fiber" is used to describe the long, cylindrical shape of these cells that run parallel to each other in muscle tissue.

Why are muscle cells commonly called muscle fibers?

Muscle cells are often referred to as muscle fibers because of their long and slender shape, resembling fibers or strands. This elongated shape allows muscle cells to contract and generate force efficiently, which is essential for movement and muscle function.

The shape and size of cell vary according to the function it has to perform justify the statement taking muscle cell as example?

Muscle cells are elongated in shape to allow for efficient contraction and force generation. Additionally, the size of the muscle cell is large to accommodate a substantial number of muscle proteins and energy stores needed for muscle function. These adaptations in shape and size enhance the muscle cell's ability to contract rapidly and powerfully.

What muscle tissue spindle-shape cells?

Smooth Muscle

Why is the shape of muscle cells and cheek epithlium cells different?

Irregular round shape

What is the general shape of smooth muscle cells and plant fibers?

Smooth muscle cells are long, spindle-shaped cells with a central nucleus. Plant fibers are elongated cells with thick cell walls that can be either round or polygonal in shape, depending on the plant species.

Which cells in your body can change their shape?

Cells in your body that can change their shape include red blood cells, white blood cells (such as neutrophils and macrophages), and muscle cells (such as muscle fibers). These cells have the ability to alter their shape to carry out their specific functions.

Are animal cells flat?

Animal cells come in a variety of shapes, depending upon their specialized function. Epithelial cells are rather flat. Muscle cells are not flat, they are more tubular in shape. While blood cells are roundish. And so forth.

Comparing Cells - size and shape relate to what?

The cells size and shape relate to its function.

What does tissue mean scientifically?

Tissue is a group of cells that work together to perform a specific function in the body. These cells are organized into structures that have a distinct shape and function, such as muscle tissue, nerve tissue, or connective tissue.

Do all cells have the same shape?

No, different cells can have different shapes depending on their function. Cells can be spherical, elongated, flat, or irregular in shape. The shape of a cell is often related to its specialized function in the body.

What is the job of muscle tissue and nerve tissue?

shape and function