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Q: Is it common for ringworm to disappear during the day and come back at night?
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Does Jamaica disappear every night?

Yes, Jamaica disappears at night,but Europe, Canada, and white America disappear when it snows.

Why does fog form at night a disappear during day?

Well I think it is because sometimes its really cold in the night and in the day the sun is out so u can't see fog I might be wrong I got this from the top of my head

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Tornadoes are more common during the day, but they happen at night fairly often as well. About 58% of tornadoes occur during the day.

Why do kittens sleep during the day and not at night?

They disappear at night because they want to explore and find a way out of a house/flat to mate or make friends. They go night hunting for mice that come out to look for food.

How do owls see at night?

That is why owls has very big eyes.. they can see anything.. Common Sense

Are common tree frogs nocturnal?

Yes, they are active at night, and rest during the day, though if they are hungry and enclosed, they will hunt during the day.

When does the constellation Orion disappear completely from the night sky in the northeast US?

Orion is typically visible in the night sky in the northeast US from late fall to early spring. It begins to disappear from view in late March or early April as it moves closer to the western horizon before being out of view during the summer months.

Is it possible that water is disappear 1 per day in swimming pool without leaking?

Only if someone, who needed a lot of water, drove by during the night with a tank truck and pumped it out. I suppose your pool is leaking or, if it has a drain, the drain is open or leaking, too. It definitely did not just disappear through evaporation ....

Why the puddle of water on the sidewalkone day and its absence on the next day?

A rain puddle will disappear due to sun and wind evaporating the water, provided it doesn't rain again during the night or next day.

How to get rid of Ringworm?

KIll it before it do something horrible ... or simply ignore it..........

Is night a common or a proper?

The word "night" is a common noun.

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The Constables in the day and the watch at night