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An N will go for anybody that is up their ass. I dated an N for a year and a half. As soon as I wised up and broke it off, he immediately went for someone else...someone very insecure and needy, not to mention wealthy. They make it seem like they are happy but they are miserable people.

I'm not sure that this is common, but my experiences tell me that this is quite possible for a narcissist. My brother who was diagnosed with borderline personality/Narcissism, could fall in and out of love and move from "I just met a wonderful woman" to "I want to be with her the rest of my life" rapidly and often! I dated a man who broke up with a girlfriend (before me) in April and was ready to marry me by July. I found out later (after breaking up with him) that he too had been diagnosed as N. It seems to me that narcissists can find new joy in living any time they meet up with someone who validates them by believing their baloney.

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Q: Is it common for Narcissists to become engaged to someone else three weeks after leaving a long term relationship and finding new joy for living?
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