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No it is not bad, Women can have their period 3-8 days either way is completely normal its just your bodies way of showing its working properly.

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9y ago

Yes, it's perfectly okay to have your period for 7 days. The average length of the menstrual phase is 5-7 days, so 7 days is the norm.

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Q: Is it bad to have your period for 7 days?
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Your period is longer than 3 days is that bad?

no - periods can last from 1 day (unusual) to 7 days or more. 4or 5 days is average for many women

If you had your period for more than 7 days is that bad?

Yes, it is typically not normal. I suggest you see a doctor or tell an adult. :P

Is it normal for a woman to have a period more than 7 days?

Yes, it is normal to have a period more than 7 days. In fact, a period of up to 8 days is considered normal.

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you took a test 5-7 days after you had a period? or after you missed a period? if you had a period, you are not pregnant (unless it was very light, it could be implantation bleeding). if you took the test 5-7 days after a missed period, it should be accurate.

Every how many days should someone get their period?

A normal period can be 3-7 days long.

How Long will your period be?

5-7 days.

Can you get pregnant if you have a 7 day period?

A number of days in a period has nothing to do with ovulation.

After the last pill when will your period start?

Your period will start within 7 days

Can you get pregnant 7 days after your period if your period last up to 15 days?

Yes. Counting days is very unreliable as a means of contraception.

When are the days that girls can get pregnant?

7-10 days after your last period started