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Q: Is it bad to brush hair with a metal comb?
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Is it bad to brush your hair when it is wet even if you don't pull it?

yes it is bad to brush your hair when its wet, even if u don't pull it. i have done that, but i didn't really know it was that bad.

Why should you brush your hair regularly?

I guess to get everything bad out your hair , its bad when you over do it. it also depends on the brush. brushing tends to tear hair which is bad. combing through your hair with your fingers is supposed to be better for it. or use a wide toothed comb. It Also gets rid of the dust out your hair.

What is a matted poodle?

The word matted means that their hair in tangled very bad in knots. Very hard to brush and comb them out.

Is hair teasing bad?

ohkay, people are saying how teasing your hair is really bad for it. i do agree it is..if you don't do it right. I used t tease my hair, i would tease it really tight and use like half a can of hairspray each time. yeah that part was pretty bad, but what really damages your hair is brushing it out. if you tease you hair and don't make a helmet out of your hairspray you should be ohkay. just be careful when you brush it out. when you tease your hair you are creating knots. and when you try to rip your brush through knots it will rip your hair. I suggest putting conditioner in your hair and getting the knots out with a thick toothed comb while in the shower. another tip, don't brush wet hair, comb it with a thick toothed comb

Is it bad to brush you hair when its dry?

No, it is not bad to brush your hair when it's dry, as long as you don't pull hard.

Everytime i comb or brush my hair it itches really bad why is that?

You may have dermatitis, psoriasis, lice, or maybe shampoo and conditioner build up. Vinegar is the best for itch and it kills bacteria.

Is it bad to brush your hair when its wet?

VERY! do not brush hair when it's wet it will cause tons of breakage!

Is it bad for your hair to comb it when it is wet?

No, not usually, but you should comb it gently and use conditioner so that you won't be pulling it when it is tangled.

Is it better to bobble your hair or to keep it down?

to bobble your hair you need a bumpit or back-comb it and back-combing is bad for your hair

Should you really cut your hair?

I would prefer not to. But some people cut their hair to make it healthier and easier to grow because of split ends. sometimes split ends get really bad and go up to your scalp so it becomes harder to comb and extremely hard to brush.

Should you cut your hair really short?

I would prefer not to. But some people cut their hair to make it healthier and easier to grow because of split ends. sometimes split ends get really bad and go up to your scalp so it becomes harder to comb and extremely hard to brush.

Is it bad for your hair to comb it while it is wet?

Yes, you could end up with dry and with spit - ended frizy hair. That had happened to me when I did that for 1 year.