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That depends on the definition of "small penis". Average size of the adult penis is 5.1-5.9 inches long with a circumference of 4.85 inches(thats circumference, not diameter). The average size at the beginning of puberty is about 2.4 inches long with adult size reached about 5 years later.

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12y ago

No it isn't mine was 2 inches until I was 17 so don't worry you will grow

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Q: Is it bad for a 15 year old to have a small penis?
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Is it bad if a 15 year old's penis isn't straight?

No it is not bad. Most are not straight.

Why does a 16 year old have a small penis?

havent hit puburtity yet

Is a 3 and a half flaccid penis small for a 14 year old?

Penis size can vary greatly among individuals, especially during puberty. At 14 years old, a penis size of 3.5 inches flaccid is within the normal range for that age. It's important to remember that everyone develops at their own pace.

Is 3inches small for a 14 year opd dick?

Well... I am a 13 year old and i have a 3.4-3.5 inch penis so basically you as a 14 old should a penis size of about 3.0 inches to 4 inches so... Yeah your penis size is a normal average size for a 14 year old.

Would a 5 inch penis for a 54 year old be average size or small?

A 5" penis is perfectly normal.

Is 15 cm a small penis for a 18 year old?

No. It's perfectly fine.

Is a 4 inch erected penis small for a 12 year old?

No its actually big

What is the average penis size for a 17 year old polynesian male?

Quite small

Is a 6 inch erected penis small for a 16 year old?

It's perfectly fine.

Im 15 years old but my voice has gotten deeper but my penis is still small.Is that bad?

If you consider having a small penis bad, then yes. If you're 15 and your voice has gotten deeper and you've undergone other changes, you more than likely just have a small penis and always will be below average.

Your penis is 4 cm not erected is that small for a 12 year old?

Stop worrying so much.

What if your penis is small why is it?

The average penis size for a 14 year old is about 4 inches. HOWEVER, the age at which puberty typically begins is anywhere between 10 and 15 years old. So the penis size for a 14 year old can range from prepubertal (About 2 inches) to Adult (6+ inches). At 14 years old it would be normal to have a penis anywhere in that range.