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You don't say if you are single or married. If single and you "have to have it" could be an addiction (your hormones are off.) If you have sex because you feel you just should then it's up to you to be more picky and not try so hard to impress you friends with your latest conquests. If you've been dating one particular person and sex has no kick to it at all, then it's time to communicate with your partner and try to spice things up.

If married most couples are always working at their sex life. After all, we are living with each other as mates and things could get a little stale if let go. It's OK not to want to engage in the sexual act and it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. Stress can have a bearing on it as well as working too hard or even depression and certainly heart problems and Diabetes take it's toll in the sexual department. Women going through peri menopause to menopause can also feel that the last thing they want is to engage in the sexual act due to their drastic hormone changes. Many people get bored with sex with the same person and it's up to you to communicate with that person and improve upon it. Find a comfort zone. Each person enjoys sex differently so if it's once a day, once a week, once a month or once a year it's an individuals choice and no one else's business but a permanent partners. Most people who crow about how much sex they have can only wish it were true, so don't listen to that garbage. Who said anything in life came easy!

Good luck Marcy

AnswerAssess your own self-esteem. Go to the library and get self-help books... find the cause of your wrecklessness... because believe me, protected by condom or not, you could end up with AIDS. Plain and simple. I'm not harping - everyone deserves the truth.


Short answer: Probably Yes. I believe you can find self-assessments for addictions on the internet. If you have sex when you do not want to or plan to, if you feel empty and remorseful afterward, if it feels compulsive, then you may be on the right track.

have as much sex as you want

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Q: Is it an addiction if you keep having meaningless sex?
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its mostly age and it can also be a company or desire for companion There is usually something else behind it that they try to block out by having sex. Therapy helps with that.

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A good place to get information on sex addiction is through reputable sources such as the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) or the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH). Additionally, seeking information from licensed therapists or psychologists specializing in sex addiction can provide valuable insights and resources for understanding and addressing this issue.

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Some do but if you do then in my opinion that is something that you should go to a doctor about because you may have a sex addiction or something relative to that

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Not necessarily. While some people with sex addiction may have underlying mental health disorders that contribute to their addiction, not everyone with sex addiction will have a separate disorder that explains their behavior. Each individual's experience with addiction is unique and may have a variety of contributing factors.

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when he is not interested in having sex with you anymore

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If you and your partner are otherwise healthy and willing, and so long as having sex doesn't prevent you from holding down a job, getting to appointments on time, and having relationships with family and friends, you can't have too much sex. If any of those other problems apply, then you may be at risk of "sex addiction," but a psychologist will be able to help you decide if that's true or not.