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Heck yes gosh why would you even ask

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Q: Is it a law to not hit people with glasses?
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Do kangaroos have law?

Yeah , They do . Kangaroos are homosapien . Dont let other people with glasses tell you otherwise.

Why do people who were glasses have circles under the eyes?

People wear glasses because they are either longsighted or shortsighted. People who wear glasses may have circles under the eyes because it is the imprint of the glasses.

Do people without glasses have more fun than people with glasses?


Where is the written rule that you cant hit a girl?

It's the law regarding assault. It doesn't say "don't hit a girl", the law applies to everyone regardless of gender. Hitting someone is assault. When people say "don't hit a girl" they mean because men presumably hit harder than women but not hitting girls is not in the law. The law says don't hit anyone.

Where did the quote you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you come from?

Comes from the 1960's Batman TV show. The Riddler asks Batman " you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses."

Is it possible for evil people to wear glasses?

all people are the same evil people can ovisly wear glasses

What percent of people wear glasses in Canada?

About 96 millions people wear glasses in the whole world About 1.6 percent!!!

Will wearing glasses keep you from becoming a us.marshall?

No. Discriminating someone because they wear glasses, hearing aids and so on is against the law.

What are pretender glasses?

pretender glasses are glasses that do not have a prescription in them. its just simply a plastic lens. Many people where pretender glasses because they like the way they look with glasses.

Can people with glasses see fairies?

yes people with no glasses can to but the fairy must trust you fist but yes if you have glasses than you will if your luckey. good luck <3 :)

Where can you buy glasses to protect eyes from sports injury?

Well you can get glasses for people who need glasses and they are harder to break

What do the natives decide that glasses do for the white people?

The white people use the glasses to see and talk the evil spirits.