It is Ok to be a little nervous.
Rather than worrying, just know that all of us go through it...and survive. There is lots of information available through books or just by asking someone you trust. Parents are often fonts of information.
Do not worry, such thing never happens. Everyone goes through puberty. Some might start at a later age.
Yes it is okay. Everyone starts puberty at different times. Most likely, you will start soon.
Puberty can start at varying times, if you haven't started puberty yet and your ten don't worry, you will start soon, trust me, enjoy being a kid because you can't be young forever. Ten is quite an early age anyway, so don't worry, it'll start when your body is ready, in fact it could have started already and you haven't even noticed yet. Hope I helped :)
Your testicles start to grow quicker during puberty and the scrotum is making room for them. The penis will follow and grow quicker during puberty also along with the rest of your body. There is nothing to worry about.
Different boys start puberty at different times, and nobody is the same! Don't worry, it'll happen.
Just wait for it. If you haven't reached puberty at 18 you should see a doctor but until then you have nothing to worry about. Don't worry, it will come.
Actually I am a 13 year-boy, almost 4 times a week, I have sex with my girlfriend. It's okay to sex when you start puberty. But then it's illegal so better don't. Just masturbate.
Most males start puberty at ages 11-13. Some may start as early as 8-10 this is precocious (early) puberty. While others may not start it until ages 13-15 This is normal. Don't worry if you haven't started yet. It'll happen soon just be patient :*
At 12 years old, you still have many years to start puberty. Don't worry about it yet, as you are still pretty young.
That is normal puberty could for him around 16 it is nothing to worry about
im going through the same thin right now; dobt worry. thise who are slower to start puberty live longer and end up looking young for their age. :) dont worry about it! im the same way
If you're concerned about your daughter's precocious puberty then it's a good idea to talk to your doctor to see if it is something to be concerned about and whether it is an option to prevent this. Puberty can start as young as 8 years old, but there are girls who enter puberty much sooner, as long as either you or they can manage symptoms of puberty it isn't usually anything to worry about.