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sometimes your period can be irregular.... stress, illnesses, etc can affect your period. If this lasts more than a few months, see a doctor

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The most common cause of a missed period is pregnancy, unless you are over 50 in which case it might be menopause beginning.

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Q: Is it OK to have a period one month but doesn't get it again?
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Why did you miss your period last month and it came on the next month?

Sometimes a woman's period is irregular. They could have their period one month, skip the next, then get it again. This happens more when women are just getting their period (more in teenage years)

Im on the pill but have missed a period?

Perform a pregnancy test. If its negative the missed period may be a "one off" but if it happens again next month see your Doctor.

What to do you have lack of menstrual flow?

Everybodys period is different and changed regulary. There is no need to worry if ur period is light or if you even miss one (unless youve had sex) our body doesnt NEED to have a period every month. Its normal for it to change

Are you pregnant if you dont have your period one month but you get it the month after that?

No you are not

When where and what month?

One of 12 in a year. You can find a month on a calender. Asking "when a month" doesnt make any sense.

Period came early one month then period came late the next month then period came early the next month what is going on?

Your ovulation is from one side each month, and each ovary runs on its own cycle. Usually they match and you get your period at the same time each month. This means that if your period is every 30 days, your right ovary drops an ovule (egg) this month. 30 days from now, your left ovary will drop one. 90 days from now your right ovary will activate again and drop an ovule. And so forth. However, if one month you ovulate early, meaning you get your period early a few days, the next month you will ovulate on your original schedule on the opposite side, which means that period will feel late to you, when in reality it is running on its own proper schedule.

I had my first period 8 months ago and my second one 1 month ago and i was due my 3rd on this month but its late again. will there be a long gap between the months again?

Yes this is completely normal. When you first get your period it sometimes takes a while for it to become regular. You could go another 6 months with out your period. It is nothing to worry about, and it will come back.

Why are you bleeding again when you already had your period this month?

This may mean ur cycle is changing because as for myself I usually get my period with in every 26 days in a month but recently it has been changing to every 28 days in a month so keep tract of ur period and remember some month's have 31 days so it is normal to get ur period twice in one month. I hope this helps

Can you miss a period one month and get it the next and still be pregnant and what if its bright red?

yes you can miss up to 3 periods! and color usually doesnt have bothing to do with it... every person is different

To be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Its not possible you dont have your period at all if you pregnant and you wont have a normal period if you are its possible that it wont even come on which is a missed period. Most women do mistake periods for implantation bleeding (spotting),which is not a period just because they see a red spot or they bleeding on and off their pregnant while their on there period, no it doesnt work that way if you having periods while your pregnant please get checked.

Is it bad if you have a heavy period on one month and a light one the next month?

No it is not bad, as some ladies have a heavy period for one month and then a light one or they may have two heavy periods and then one light one also.

What happens a month before a woman's period?

The only thing that happens exactly one month befor a woman's period is her previous period.