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Indirectly it is AIDS. AIDS lowers the body's ability to protect itself against many other illnesses - ones which often would not kill a healthy person.

The usual way it is expressed in death notices is ... "XY died of an AIDS-related illness"

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Q: Is it AIDS that kills or some diseases?
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Can aids kills?

Ask the doctor.

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People contract HIV first. In time, they will develop AIDS-related diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma or PCP (pneumocistis carinii pneumonia). Once they have AIDS-related diseases, they are typically diagnosed as having AIDS.

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There are numerous diseases that will require a long hospital stay. Some are cancers, AIDS, TB, respiratory diseases, and many more.

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The AIDS virus isn't what kills you. It weakens your body so it can't protect against other diseases. Since there is currently no cure, the answer would be 100%

How are cummunicable diseases curable?

Answer Some diseases are curable some aren't. Aids has no cure, Herpes can be controlled but it can't be cured, I'd be careful with whom you have unprotected sex with.

Do monkeys get sick?

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What are the deadliest diseases?

Heart disease, cancer, whooping cough,TB ,malaria, HIV/AIDS, meningitis and tetanus are some of the deadliest diseases.