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Q: Is inability to swallow a complication of COPD?
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Is the inability to swallow defined the same as difficulty to swallow?

Not necessarily. Both the inability to swallow and difficulty swallowing are called dysphagia in medical terminology. dys- means difficult, bad, abnormal, painful. -phagia refers to eating or swallowing. Sometimes the dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing can be bad enough to prevent someone from swallowing without aspirating(choking). That would appropriately be called dysphagia even though this makes for a virtual inability to swallow, but that is due to danger of choking, not due to actual emotional or physical inability to do the act of swallowing. But there can be situations with a total actual inability to swallow due to obstruction, emotional block, injury, congenital deformity, or surgical procedures that prevent swallowing such as radical surgery for cancer. These may be referred to as either dysphagia, or more correctly, as aphagia. a- means absent, without, not, away In this example, difficulty swallowing would not be called aphagia. But the inability to swallow might appropriately be called dysphagia.

What other respiratory complication can occur due to atelectasis?

Shortness of breath, COPD, asthma, and low oxygen levels to the body requiring oxygen therapy.

How does kuru effects your body?

-uncontrollable laughing -inability to swallow -coordination problems -speech problems

What are Sings of west Nile virus with horses?

On Howrse the answer is : All of these (fever, inability to swallow and paralysis of hind legs).

What is aphagia?

Aphagia is the inability to swallow, usually due to a physical obstruction or a neurological condition affecting the muscles involved in swallowing. It can lead to difficulty eating and drinking, and may require medical intervention such as feeding tubes to ensure proper nutrition. Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the aphagia.

Can Bronchitis COPD and Emphesema kill you?

Although these conditions are often accompanied by other things, the answer is YES.Both of these can lead to progressively worse respiratory failure (inability to breathe), and can kill you. Stop smoking.

How does Cerebro-Vascular A ccidentimpact the body?

It depends on the severity of CVA. Most of the time there are hemiparesis, aphasia and inability to swallow. Depending on what part of the brain is affected.

Is copd the same as emphysema?

Emphysema is one type of COPD. There are others.

What are some problems baby face before a cleft palate is repaired?

Inability to suckle/swallow/suckle, which means they cannot obtain sustenance. Often results in nutritional deficiencies.

What does it mean when you cough up green and yellow phlegm when you have copd?

It means you have a sinus infection. Just make sure you cough it all up, and dont swallow it or it will not go away as fast as it will if you cough it up and spit it out.