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no, Immune system is your body defender from bacteria. think of the Immune system as your body warrior, and the circulatory system you can think of it as your airport or transportation system were it takes your passengers (red blood cells, white blood cells, oxygen particles and carbon dioxide) to all different parts of your body however, when the oxygen goes in; it violates the laws (by becoming carbon dioxide) so the body needs to exile it by removing it out of the body and finds shelter in plants :)

hope that helps :)

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No, the liver doesn't really protect the body.

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No they are part of the respiratory system

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No, it's in the Circulatory System

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Q: Is immune system a circulatory system?
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Are the immune system and the circulatory system connected?

Yes, the circulatory and immune systems are connected. Many of the immune system components travel through the blood via the circulatory system, and the blood brings antigens to immune system centers, alerting them of work to be done.

What is a part of the circulatory system that fights germs?

Immune system.

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The system that helps the immune system is the circulatory system because it carries the white blood cells to where the pathogens are.

Spleen in the circulatory or digestive system?

Neither. The spleen is part of the immune system

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Lymphatic circulatory

Where do white blood cells occur in the human body?

Throughout the Circulatory System. They are part of the Immune System. They are manufactured by the lymphaticsystem.

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Circulatory system

Is circulatory system the last body and most complicated line of defense against infection?

No, the circulatory system is not the last line of defense against infection. The immune system plays the primary role in defending the body against infections. The circulatory system helps in distributing immune cells and antibodies throughout the body to fight off infections, but it is not the final line of defense.

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Diseases that affect both the immune system and circulatory system include temporal arteritis and other autoimmune vasculitides, immune-modulated hemolytic anemias, and lupus-related heart disease, for a few examples.