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No; having a normal period is a sign that everything is... normal.

If your period is longer than usual, heavier than usual or abnormal in some way, than you should consider consulting a doctor.

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Q: Is having a normal period is one of the sign of having a cyst in the uterus?
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What is a anechoic cyst?

An anechoic cyst is a type of cyst that appears as a fluid-filled sac on ultrasound imaging. It is typically characterized by a lack of internal echoes, meaning it appears black on the ultrasound image due to the absence of sound waves bouncing back. Anechoic cysts are usually benign and may not require treatment unless they cause symptoms or exhibit concerning features.

What is the ICD-9 code for adnexal cyst?

Adnexal cyst is a cyst of the uterus. Code: 621.8 - Disorder of uterus, NEC Actually, an adnexal cyst is more often an ovarian cyst, so I think 620.2 would make more sense.

Can you get pregnant with an cyst?

Yes, you can get pregnant if you have a cysts on your ovaries or your uterus, but it could take a while. If it is a small cyst on your uterus, it should disappear by itself without surgery.

Can you still have a period with an cyst?

i had a cyst for over 6 months and never knew it, and had my period regularly

Why there is back pain after 20 day after your period?

If you are having pain 20 days after your period this could be ovulation. It could also be an ovarian cyst causing you pain.

Why DuNC is necessary for cyst?

A D and C (dilate and curettage) is a gynecological procedure that requires dilating the cervix and scraping out the uterus of unwanted particles. If a cyst needs to be removed, this is an option to remove it.

Can you have a child after having a cyst removed?

Yes, you can

Is it normal to start pregnancy with ovarian cyst?

no, its dangerous

What is corpus lupus?

A corpus luteum cyst is a type of ovarian cyst. This type of cyst can only appear when a woman is still having a menstrual cycle.

When was Mary Tudor killed?

She wasn't killed she died of natural causes. She had a cancerous cyst in her uterus and ebcasue of the poor medicine in the times she thought she was preggers so no one did anything. This cyst caused loss of eesight near the end and severe weakness. She wasn't killed she died of natural causes. She had a cancerous cyst in her uterus and ebcasue of the poor medicine in the times she thought she was preggers so no one did anything. This cyst caused loss of eesight near the end and severe weakness.

Is it normall to have dark brown discharge for 2 weeks?

This is not normal. Brown means old blood. A cyst on the uterus breaking open and bleeding into the vagina is probably the most common reason. Please have a gynocologist take a look, you may have more cysts.

During unfavorable conditions an ameba forms a?

During unfavorable conditions, an amoeba forms a protective outer covering called a cyst. The cyst allows the amoeba to survive harsh conditions such as lack of water or extreme temperatures. Once conditions improve, the cyst can break open and the amoeba can resume its normal activities.