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Q: Is happititus c viral stays in body after treatment?
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Are viral infections curable?

Viral infections are curable provided they respond to an antibiotic treatment. The doctor will make a diagnosis based on lab work and will find an antibiotic that should kill the infection in the body.

What describes the number of virus particles circulating in an infected persons body?

Viral load refers to the number of virus particles present in an infected person's body. It is measured using laboratory tests and can give insight into disease progression and treatment effectiveness. Higher viral loads typically indicate a more active infection and potential for increased transmission to others.

Are infections Curable?

Viral infections are curable provided they respond to an antibiotic treatment. The doctor will make a diagnosis based on lab work and will find an antibiotic that should kill the infection in the body.

Is current a body of air that stays together?

A body of air that stays together is Air mass. (:

What are some treatments of viral meningitis?

Someone who has it will need immediate treatment at the hospital right away, You can be treated in an intensive care unit. You may also be given oxygen, and fluids injected in your body.

Do viral infections lower body temperature?

Viral infections typically cause a fever, which raises body temperature rather than lowering it. However, some viruses can affect the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates body temperature, leading to a condition called viral meningitis which can potentially lower body temperature.

How does a vaccine help fight viral infections?

When the vaccine gets to the body the it will block away the viral infection.

Can viral meningitis cause your legs to become numb and weak?

Yes, generalized body weakness can occurs with viral meningitis.

What cures hepatitis?

Nothing it stays with you foreverAnswer:There are several types of hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. They can be caused by many things some chemical and some viral. Of the various types some respond to the body's natural recuperative ability, others to antiviral agents, some require liver transplants and still others cannot be cured.One answer cannot be provided. A specialist doctor's input is required to determine the specific type, its impact on the body and to provide the optimal treatment.

What are change in your body after sex?

None, your body stays the same

What does the term viral replication refer to?

Viral Replication is a process that a virus reproduces itself in the body. The study of viral replication helps scientists understand diseases and allows them to work on ways to cure them.

How does skin stay on your body?

It stays on the bone