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Most likely you have a "Dry Socket". which can occur when the the blood clot is disturbed or removed from the extraction site, or due to smoking after after having a tooth extracted. Call your dentist and describe your symptoms, most likely they will want you to be seen & treated. If indeed it is dry socket they will clean out the socket & place a medicated dressing inside the socket, which you should feel much better afterwards.

Look up dry socket online a check to see if your symptoms match. see below

"A dry socket, more formally referred to as alveolar osteitis by dentist, is a fairly common complication associated with tooth extractions. The formation of a dry socket involves a scenario where the blood clot which forms in the tooth's socket's after the extraction isn't properly retained (either it disintegrates by way of fibrinolysis or becomes dislodged). Since this blood clot is an important factor in protecting the boney socket and initiating the healing process, the healing of the extraction site is interrupted and becomes delayed."

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Q: Is green or brown pus in the tooth socket normal after an extraction?
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