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Wheat contains gluten. They are the same thing- both are just as damaging.

Rye, barley, oats (small amount), and several other grains contain gluten.

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Q: Is gluten worse than wheat in a celiacs diet?
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Does malt flavoring contain milk?

"Malt flavoring" is a derivative of barley, and therefore unsafe for celiacs to consume.

What is another name for a gluten-free diet does not have the word gluten in it?

I have Celiac Disease and because of that I have to stay on a gluten-free diet. Gluten grows on the wheat plant so I have also told people that I am allergic to wheat products. A gluten-free diet is also a wheat-free diet. But gluten is also in rye, oats and barley.

Is wheat in gluten or is gluten in wheat?

Not exactly. Gluten is contained in wheat, but is also found in several other grains, including rye and barley. A gluten free diet is wheat free, but a wheat free diet is NOT gluten free. Most people are actually allergic to gluten, and not just wheat. If you are celiac, then a wheat free diet will not allow your intestines to heal, because you can still be consuming gluten.

What is gluten free diet?

no gluten wheat inn foods

Can you eat lentils on a gluten free diet?

No, legumes do not contain gluten. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, and rye.

What is on a gluten free diet?

A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes foods containing gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat (including kamut and spelt), barley, rye, malts, and triticale.

Can you eat wasabi on a wheat free gluten free diet?


Can you eat corn starch on a gluten free diet?

Corn starch does not trigger the autoimmune response in celiac disease. It contains a form of gluten (a type of combined grain protein), but not the same form as wheat, barley, rye, kamut, spelt, and triticale.If the corn starch is not contaminated, it is safe for celiacs.

Which new gluten free diet books have a section featuring quinoa?

A number of new gluten free diet books have a section featuring quinoa. Some of these books include '4 Ingredients Gluten Free', 'Easy Gluten' and 'Your Wheat Free Gluten Diet Plan'.

If you are on a gluten free diet how do you subsitute wheat in your diet?

Some good starch substitutes for wheat are quinoa, rice and potatoes. There are several cook books avaialable that have entirely gluten-free recipes, and most groceries have gluten-free products in their natural foods section.

What does celiacs do to your digestive system?

Gluten causes inflammation in the small intestines of people with celiac disease. Eating a gluten-free diet helps people with celiac disease control their signs and symptoms and prevent complications.

Why would I want to go on a gluten free diet?

Gluten free diets are important for those individuals who have an allergy to gluten. You might also follow this diet if you are worried about possibly having a wheat allergy. Otherwise, there is no advantage to this diet.