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will it be effective & what are its dosage &side effects in 9 year old children?

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Q: Is gingko biloba effective in early vitiligo in a child of 9 years?
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Does vitiligo occur to child?

Vitiligo is a skin disease its not a human being which discriminates between caste, creed, race and age. No matter what is your age, kid or 90 years old people, you can get infected with Vitiligo.

Why was Michael Jackson black when he was a child?

Because he has black parents, he was diagnosed with vitiligo in the 80's and that's why he turned white.

What did Michael Jackson persevere?

Two false accusations of child molestation, a skin disease called vitiligo, being beaten as a child, police brutality, abuse from the media, lots of tough criticism, many harsh rumors, etc...

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The sort of child locks that are effective in keeping children away from where they should not be are Zilch Child Locks as well as Concord Child Locks which are just topnotch and really easy to install.

How effective communication affects all aspects of childcare own work?

Effective communication effects your relationship with the child. It also effects your ability to communicate with the parent. Effective communication is the to managing all aspects of the child care business.

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Is yelling at or threatening a child an example of effective discipline or harmful behavior?

Yelling at or threatening a child is considered harmful behavior rather than effective discipline. It can lead to negative emotional and psychological effects on the child, and may not effectively teach them appropriate behavior.

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they work up into a certain age

How effective is the no child left behind act?

Not very effective actually. Schools haven't improved in the slightest since the Government took over.

Care value base promoting effective communication and relationshiphow do you promote effective communication and relationship in a child care setting?

this is a legal document

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No Child Left Behind was effective in establishing standardized testing requirements to hold schools accountable for student achievement and in providing additional resources to schools that were not meeting academic benchmarks.

What factors contribute to determining which style of discipline is most effective for children?

Factors that contribute to determining the most effective style of discipline for children include the child's age, temperament, and developmental stage, as well as the consistency and fairness of the discipline approach, the parent-child relationship, and the cultural context in which the child is raised.