An allergy is the reaction that the body will have, where as an allergen is something that causes the allergy to occur.
antibodies are formed when the immune system comes in contact with the allergen.
The root in the word "allergen" is "allerg," which is derived from the Greek word "allergein," meaning "to react to differently."
while sometimes peanuts are an irresistible food to some people, other times they are an deadly allergen 5B
There are quite a few companies that offer allergen-free matresses, Serta, Comfortaire and Narture's Sleep are a few. You can also purchase allergen-free matress pads and bedding.
An allergen is something that generates, causes or triggers allergic symptoms. If you are allergic to house dust, house dust is your allergen.
The allergen is bound to a solid support.The patient's incubated with the solid phase. If allergen specific IgE antibodies are present, they will bind to the solid phase.The excess is washed away and the levels of IgE are determined.
An aeroallergy is an allergy to an airborne allergen.
Exposure to an allergen.