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Yes and no. If you're a certain age, yes but it depends. I'm 14 and I ALWAYS have cold hands. So no. Not necessarily.

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Q: Is getting cold hands related to pregnancy?
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Related questions

Is getting a cold one of the symptoms of being pregnant?

No getting a cold is not the sign of pregnancy.

Can cold sweats be sign of early pregnancy?

One of the most common causes of Night sweats during early pregnancy (first trimester) is the hormonal changes related to pregnancy. But cold sweats are not typically a sign of pregnancy.

Why do you keep getting a cold?

you are getting a cold because you either dont wash your hands or you get around people who are sick those are ways you can get a cold there are also maney others

What are hot hands used for?

The disposable and portable product Hot Hands is used to keep hands warm in extreme conditions. These conditions are usually related to being in very cold climates where hands can get cold or develop frostbite.

Would a head cold fall under the category of a common cold or the flu?

If you are asking about a relationship between the common cold and influenza, there is one: both the common cold and influenza are caused by viruses. Other than that relationship, and that they both affect the upper respiratory system, they are not otherwise related. If your question is asking if getting the flu is related to being cold or in the cold, then see the related questions in the related questions section for information about getting a cold or the flu from cold weather.

What are two things you can do to avoid getting colds?

always wash your hands and stay away people that has a cold or a sickness

Is it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy?

it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy

When was Cold Hands created?

Cold Hands was created on 1990-11-16.

Are vampires hands always cold?

It depends on what vampires. Darren Shan vampires hands are only really cold if there in somthing cold lol but twilight vampires hands are purmanly cold.

How did edward know where Bella was then Bella tried getting the deal to stop getting so warm in the vehicle she felled cold hands said Edwards hands are cold why?

Edward knew where Bella was because he heard the minds of the people trying to corner her. He had followed her to Port Angeles and watched for her in other people's minds, since he couldn't read her own. When he read the minds of the people trying to corner her, he went and saved her. His hands were cold because he is a vampire!

What if a child has a temp but cold hands and feet?

the child has the fever but her hands and feet are cold

Does onxol cause cold feet?

Onxol does not directly cause cold feet, but it can create a systemic sclerosis, which is related to Raynaud's phenomenon. Ryenaud's phenomenon can lead to attacks of discoloration of the hands and feet in response to cold