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Technically, they are the same things. HIV is what you have when you have more than 200 t cells still in your body. Once you have less than 200 t cells, you are classified as having AIDS. So technically, yes, AIDS is worse than HIV, as HIV is only the beginning stage.

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AIDS is the end stage of HIV disease that includes complications and dangerous infections. HIV infection is typically without symptoms.

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Q: Is full blown AIDS worse than HIV?
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When the CD4+ T cell count drops below 200 cells per µL, a person is considered to have full-blown AIDS. However, if a person develops certain AIDS-related illnesses (pneumocystis pneumonia, toxoplasmosis of the brain, wasting, Kaposi sarcoma, or other viral induced cancers), he or she will still be considered to have full-blown AIDS, regardless of the CD4+ T cell count.

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The phrase "full blown AIDS" is medically inaccurate and is not used today. The appropriate terminology would be to simply say AIDS or AIDS diagnosis. AIDS is the syndrome caused by HIV and is the end stage of the disease. When a person receives an AIDS diagnosis the immune system is severely compromised. The patient is susceptible to infections which can be life threatening. The development of new medications can now slow the progression of HIV and prevent the development of AIDS. New medications can also increase immune function (T-cells) and reduce viral load.

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because scientist have evidence in which they can predict aids happening rather than aids

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well, assuming that when paul Simon was in Africa, he started, the aids virus to kill off the africans, there is no disease is worse than the moster paul Simon created.

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