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It is unlikely that fluid from Breast cancer is infectious. Most cancers are non-infectious, they develop because of a mutation in that person's DNA - therefore fluids from that person should not be infectious. There are however some infectious causes of cancer, such a small number of viruses.

If you are concerned that you have come into contact with hazardous material consult your doctor.

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12y ago

It can be infectious if you have aids , STds, tubercolosis and breast abscess.

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You feel a pain in your right breast but you are a that a sign of breast cancer?

I would say no, because breast cancer is usually painless and a woman doesn't find out until her mamagram or feeling a lump. If there is no lump or discharge from your nipple then I wouldn't worry. If you have a high history of breast cancer in your family, then go have your Dr to examine your breast to get peace of mind. breast cancer is rare. It happens most often to men between the ages of 60 and 70. Risk factors for male breast cancer include exposure to radiation, a family history of breast cancer and having high estrogen levels, which can occur with diseases like cirrhosis or Klinefelter's syndrome.Symptoms of male breast cancer include lumps, changes to the nipple or breast skin, or discharge of fluid from the nipple. Treatment for male breast cancer is usually a mastectomy, which is surgery to remove the breast. Other treatments include radiation, chemotherapy and/or hormone therapy.

Is breast cancer painful?

Breast Cancer PainNot in the early stages. In advanced breast cancer, pain is a factor, both in the breast and in the underlying bones.

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What is breast cancer awareness month?

Breast cancer awareness month is on October.October

What are some sites about breast cancer?

There are a couple of websites that will provide you information about breast cancer. Some of those websites include The Breast Cancer Site, Breast Cancer Org, and many others.

If you lie on your breast can you get breast cancer? can lay anyway you wouldn't cause breast cancer