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No, generally these are two separate issues. In flaccid paralysis, the muscles may be intact, but unable to contract due to chemical or electrical problems. Atrophy refers to the loss of muscle strength, tone, and size often due to disuse. Over time, paralysis could lead to atrophy from the disuse.

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Q: Is flaccid paralysis a result of atrophy?
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Flaccid equals being rigid or firm is that true or false?

False. Flaccid is the opposite of rigid. For example, in the medical field, there's flaccid paralysis and rigid paralysis. Flaccid paralysis is when a body part is unable to be moved, but there is no muscle tone. The body part is "floppy." Rigid paralysis is when the body part is unable to be moved, but there is a lot of muscle tone. The body part is "stiff."

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Flaccid paralysis an abnormal condition characterized by the weakening or the loss of muscle tone. It may be caused by disease or by trauma affecting the nerves associated with the involved muscles Spastic Paralysis characterized by spasms and ↑ tendon reflexes of the muscle(s) in the paralyzed region, due to upper motor neuron disease

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The absence or inhibition of AChE at a synapse would lead to flaccid paralysis.

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Pathology. A wasting or decrease in size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use: muscular atrophy of a person affected with paralysis.

Is loss of its nerve supply would cause denervation atrophy and paralysis of the skeletal muscle involved true?

Yes it is true.