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It is a psychological disorder caused by underdeveloped neuron-receptors in the brain. Basically, individuals with ADHD have an inability to focus because their minds cannot interpret the satisfaction one associates with achieving a long term goal.

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14y ago

Yes but it really, really, really must be medically diagnosed by someone with a medical degree and a specialist - not a pediatrician or a school counselor. Please locate a local support group that is a part of the National Association of ADD Parents (I forgot the name). Go, listen, share, get involved. Some children respond to drug therapy, some do not. It is NOT like the flu that you get and it goes away. It is either here or not, forever. It isn't cured, it is controlled. BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION is very important, not only for the child but the parents must train themselves also. And the teachers. This is the BIGGEST PROBLEM. Parents want a magical herb or pill which will make their child "normal," but it takes everyone involved with an ADD person (yes, if you have it as a child you will have it as a teen and as an adult). ADD people usually need fast moving situations. They get bored easily, are generally smarter than the general population, their brain goes ever so much faster. So they must be kept busy and challenged. Don't restrict an ADD child to a "quiet room" or sit them in the hall, or remove them to some static environment. Keep them moving: sports, chores, playing! (Remember a child's job is "play." It stimulates growth and sensory development and challenges decision making processes). DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. TRAIN YOURSELF. AND ABOVE ALL: YOU, THE PARENT, HAVE TO BE VERY, VERY ORGANIZED. AND YOU ARE THE MODEL, THE PERSON WHO HAS TO KEEP IT ALL TOGETHER!


Whether it's real or not, psychiatric "medications" are poisons. See


It's only a subset of features that are more noticeable in contrast to the illness that is more deeply rooted.


AD/HD is more highly heritable than manic-depression, which makes it very much a "real" disorder. In my family it is clearly confined to my mother's side. I have ADD, my son has ADHD and four of his five male maternal first cousins have some form of the disorder (3 have ADHD, 1 had ADD, 1 is "normal"). My brother's daughter may have ADD (yet to be assessed). It is a genetic disorder which affects the development of specific sections of the brain which are involved in focusing, attention and inhibition. The areas may differ slightly from one victim to another. The reason why ADD is more common in girls and ADHD in boys has to do with the way in which the brain develops in response to male and female hormones. There really is a tendency for male and female brains to be wired differently, just as there is a tendency for males to grow taller than females. Of course, there is a lot of overlap between the sexes on these, and other, gender-linked characteristics. One person suggested that "psychiatric" drugs were all poisonous and should be avoided. The truth is that all medical drugs are dangerous - or there would be no need to have them available on prescription only or to train doctors and pharmacists for so long. In fact, most substances we eat or drink are also poisonous - when used inappropriately or to excess. Even water is toxic and deaths from its over consumption are reported (incredulously) in the media from time to time. Of course, we will die if we don't have enough, too. And we will not function properly if we do not take the best available medications for our disorders. The risks have always got to be weighed along with the benefits - that is what good pharmaceutical medicine is all about. Denying yourself or your child the best available medicine (tailored to their needs and their particular metabolism) is just as criminal as abusing material designed to be used therapeutically in the correct proportions.


Why is it I only see ADD or ADHD students work well on something that is interesting to them. My nephew was diagnosed with ADHD and he told me recently that he would act up because he was bored out of is mind and now (getting out of rehab) he loved the feeling the Ritalin gave him (20 years ago).. He learned a behavior of acting up to get a pill. Sure the medical community does a good job treating people but the problem is they very rarely treat the problem and almost always treat the symptoms. Go figure. If you were a doctor would want to learn how to cure or how to keep your job safe?!


I found that this book addresses this question quite well, better than I could here. I would definitely recommend reading it and trying some of the suggestions before giving children medication. I found them to be very effective.

The Myth of the ADD Child:50 Ways to Improve Your Child's Behavior and Attention Span Without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion by Thomas Armstrong

It depends on what you mean by disorder. If you mean like if diagnosed with it do they have to be in special ed? then no. a mental disorder? yes. most people with it are rather bright they just have a different way of perceiving things.

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12y ago

No. There is a tremendous amount of medical literature backing up the legitimacy of ADHD. There has been much debate around the diagnosis of ADHD and the increase of prescriptions for psychostimulants which some view as unnecessary.

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12y ago

yes, faking is a disorder, when we keep on faking our selves and others through our actions then it is a sign of refusing the reality. we are not ready to face the truth which means we have a mental disorder. we are afraid to show what we really think and feel. this should be treated.

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