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Yes. In the digestive system, when materials pass into the intestines, nutrients are absorbed by the intestinal walls. All that is left over is held in the intestines as waste to be excreted.

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Q: Is faeses held in the intestines?
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What intestines go inside the canopic jars?

There are four canopic jars: Imetsy, or the human jar, held the liver. Hapy, or the baboon jar, held the lungs. Duamutef, or the jackal jar, held the stomach. Qebehsenuef, or the falcon jar, held the intestines. Hope that helped. :-)

What names of the canopic jars and what organs go in side them?

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When feces enters the bloodstream what's the name of sickness?

Chagas disease is when an insects faeses enters the bloodstream!

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The connection of intestines to the inside of the abdominal cavity is one of the things that keeps them from being tied. They are also held in place by the abdominal wall.

What did the Egyptians put mummies oragns in?

the egyptians put the organs in four canopic jars, the human headed (held the liver) the baboon headed (held the lungs) the jackal headed (held the stomach) and the falcon headed (held the intestines).

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Did egyptians fill mummy chests with rags?

no, but they filled them up with belongings and canopiic jars that held there intestines, liver. stomach and lungs

What does the falcon canopic jar hold?

The falcon's head represents Qebehsenuet, one of the four sons of Horus. It holds the intestines

Can Glass travel the intestines without cutting the intestines?

no it will cut the intestines

Why is the intestine of the roundworm so limp and fragile?

The intestine of the roundworm is so limp and fragile because it is not supported by a rib cage or other skeletal structure. Roundworms are long, thin worms that live in the intestines of other animals. They do not have a backbone or any other bones, so their intestines are not held up by any rigid structure. This makes the intestines very flexible, which allows them to move through the host's intestines without getting damaged. However, it also makes the intestines very delicate, and they can easily be damaged if the roundworm is squeezed or put under too much pressure.

Why are small intestines longer than large intestines?

The intestines are a tissue from your body.

What is the medical term meaning intestines?

Intestines are called intestines in medical terms. The medical terminology combining form meaning intestines is entero-