they could be, but if that is the only symptom you have i wouldn't relie on it. their are lots of reasond you could have ringing in your ears, but often times you can get headaches when your pregnant, and headaches can cause ringing in your ears too, you should get a pregnancy test or go see your doctor. good luck
No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.
No. Pregnancy is a sign of pregnancy. Also if your partner leaves you, THEN you know
No this is not a sign of pregnancy. Typically the first sign of pregnancy will be a missed period.
yo get an earache by infection yo get an earache by infection
Typically this is not a sign of pregnancy
Some women get funny tastes but it is not a sign of pregnancy. The first sign of pregnancy you will get is a missed period. Take a pregnancy test if you are unsure.
It can be a sign of pregnancy, but then again it can be a sign of a lot of conditions. I suggest you take a pregnancy test to be sure.
tenderness in the abdomen is not a sign of pregnancy so if that is the situation i suggest you seea doctor. p.s. tenderness in the breasts is a sign of pregnancy.
Yes! it is a good sign! and its also normal in the pregnancy.
Yes, it can be but I wouldn't trust that alone as a sign of pregnancy.
What is the answer to : Can I use Btamethasone for an earache?
Frequent urination can be an early symptom of pregnancy, but a UTI isnt' an early pregnancy sign.