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No, dark urine can be a sign of infection, blood in your urine or just a sign that you are not drinking enough water. Try increasing your liquids with water or juice, stay away from soda, coffee/tea and alcohol. See if this helps, if your urine stays dark or you are having pain when you urinate or unusual low Back pain, see your health care provider.

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Q: Is dark urine every time you urinate a sign of pregnancy?
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The color of your urine does indicate a pregnancy, whether there are or ar not other symptoms present, it just doesnt.

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Symptom 1: Changes in Urination Kidneys make urine, so when the kidneys are failing, the urine may change. How? You may have to get up at night to urinate. Urine may be foamy or bubbly. You may urinate more often, or in greater amounts than usual, with pale urine. You may urinate less often, or in smaller amounts than usual with dark colored urine. Your urine may contain blood. You may feel pressure or have difficulty urinating.

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It your urine that is dark that causes it to look orange try drinking lots of water and cranberry juice It your urine that is dark that causes it to look orange try drinking lots of water and cranberry juice

Is dark urine color during pregnancy ok?

Dark urine color during pregnancy can be a sign of dehydration or an imbalance in your diet. It's important to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet to help regulate your urine color. However, if you're concerned or notice other symptoms, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider for further evaluation.

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dark urine

What health conditions could dark colored urine signify?

If you have dark coloured urine which smells strongly, you may try to drink more. DEHIDRATION Certain foods (especially asparagus) can turn your urine a deep greeny/yellow and also vitamins (such as the B vitamins can also turn your urine dark. As the above posters said your body could well be dehydrated and you should be drinking 8 - 8 oz. glasse of water EVERY DAY and more if you are exercising and perspiring.

Can lupus nephritis cause dark urine and stabbing pains in kidneys?

it can cause dark urine. but some people have no overt symptoms of kidney disease which must be diagnosed by blood and urine tests.

How should pee look like during pregnancy?

You may be putting out more urine (pee) while you are pregnant but it should not change in appearance. Dark or cloudy urine could be signs of a urinary tract infection, drink more water and if it does not clear up, call your doctor.

Why does urine becomes dark in post hepatic jaundice?

Due to bilirubin buildup in the urine

Why does cat urine glow in the dark?

It shouldn't.

Should you take a blood test if you are spotting light pink and dark brown and some light red with no clots and have had a negative urine test but have all the other signs of pregnancy?

You should see a doctor.