Cracking you knuckles isn't bad as long as you push on them lightly.
Oh, dude, cracking a Christmas cracker on Christmas Eve isn't really about bad luck or anything serious like that. It's just a fun tradition where you pull the cracker with someone else and get a little toy or joke inside. So, go ahead and crack that cracker without worrying about any bad luck - it's all in good fun!
it is bad to draw eyes and mouth and nose
Usually the rubber will be hard and cracking
No, you cannot crack your nose. The sound you might hear when cracking your nose is likely coming from the cartilage and bones in your nose shifting slightly. However, it is not recommended to intentionally try to crack your nose as it can lead to injury.
Cracking your knuckles releases a gas that naturally forms in your joints. Cracking them isn't bad for you unless it causes pain.
essence is bad for your nose/
Bad nose job.
he might have got a nose job. but his nose doesn't look bad
how do you give you friends who are not your friend bad attitude