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Q: Is coriander oil used to promote hair growth?
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To Promote the growth or development of?

The term used for promoting growth and development is: foster.

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Muccopolysaccharides are used to stimulate hair growth.

Can corn oil be used for hair growth?

I am not sure,but I've heard that oil hair are very useful for hair growth.

Is a substance in food used by the body to promote normal growth maintenance and repair?

A nutrient is needed by the body to promote normal growth, provide energy, repair and more. :)

To promote hair growth and healthy hair should I use Dr Bronnners shampoo and conditioning rinse or Mane N' Tail shampoo and conditioner?

mane N' Tail my mom used bronners and her hair fell so she switched and its even longer than before and its thicker

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steroids are used for the same reason as any drug they promote nerve tissue and help muscle growth but can cause severe acne liver damage and hair loss

What is cinnamon spirit used for?

Hair growth and circulation

Sampaguita and aloe vera extract as hair grower?

There is limited scientific evidence to support the idea that applying sampaguita and aloe vera extract on the scalp can promote hair growth. Aloe vera is known for its soothing and moisturizing properties, which can benefit hair health, but more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness in promoting hair growth. Sampaguita, a type of jasmine flower, is often used for its fragrance and symbolic meanings, but its impact on hair growth is not well studied. It's always wise to consult with a dermatologist or trichologist for personalized advice on promoting hair growth.

What products would promote the growth of black hair?

There is no such chemical or product that promotes the growth of hair, the chemical that changes the natural pigment can be known as hair color. The only truth to hair growth is blood flow & stimulation of the scalp, this is the only known cause. Some examples are as follows: *Massaging the scalp. Stimulation, such as brushing or combing the hair. As far as chemicals, they are used to change the natural state of hair, and also can be very damaging if not applied correctly. *Products are helpful to hair that is damaged or dry. Deep conditioners applied with heat are also very helpful with reconstruction of the hair, and end result hair that is healthy will grow faster. :)

Is iodoral healthy?

Iodoral is used to promote healthy skin, thyroid, and cellular growth. If used appropriately, it can be healthy.