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They are symptoms you may have during pregnancy, that is if you know you are pregnant and have them that is quite common. Signs are things that may give you an indication you are pregnant, these are so common, in fact either can cause the other that they are not diagnostic of pregnancy.

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18y ago
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18y ago

not necessarily. u can get ovary pains, but tht is totally different. it may be or may not be and it is a hard question to answer, but my opinion is tht is may not be and if u ever went all the way then there proabably is a chance. the best thing to do is wait about 4 or 5 days, and if it is still there and u feel and look bloated go to the nearest hospital and get a pregenancy test or go to a near-by pharmacy and pick up a cheap but accurate tester. Good luck!

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Q: Is constipation and backaches a sign of pregnancy?
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Is heartburn and constipation a pregnancy symptom?

Yes heartburn and constipation ARE a sign of pregnancy but there are many other symptoms as well

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If im not constipated could i still be pregnant?

Constipation is just a symptom of pregnancy...not a sign of pregnancy. Many women experience bouts of constipation during pregnancy, but if you do not have constipation then count it as a blessing. If you take a home pregnancy test and your doctor confirms your pregnancy then you are pregnant with or without constipation. Good luck! mom to three children and pregnant with her fourth!

Can your stool change as a sign of pregnancy?

No. Sign of pregnancy is missing your period and morning sickness (some people have it.) Yes, Stool changes are a sign of pregnancy. Usually softer in very early pregnancy and constipation usually occurring around the end of the first trimester.

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How early does constipation occur in pregnancy?

wondring my self aswell can be the earliest sign of pregnancy.can start as early as two weeks thru pregnancy

What are the signs of pregnancy after seven weeks?

It is nausea , craving for food, cramps and backaches.

Are pregnancy signs and constipation signs the same?

The pregnancy can cause a constipation. But be aware that there are other reasons of constipation. Best way is just seek a professional out and ask. There are some pregnancy symptoms, which could come.

Are constant hiccups and backaches a sign that I am pregnant?

Can be. Wait until your period is late and do a test.

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Is constipation and cramps a sign of pregnancy?

YES! I had awful stomach cramps, I was very worried and then i found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. I am now 26 weeks pregnant and STILL conctipated so both are sure signs of pregnancy