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Some say it is, but I don't think so. There are always alternatives to suicide; if you are willing ask for help; but that doesn't mean God will condemn you for it.

Another view:

It depends on a number of things, such as why a person does it. If you are already about to die and you ask for a little help speeding it up, that might not be condemned. We take terminally ill pets to the vet to put them out of their suffering and intense pain. Drunkenness, and by extension recreational drug use, are condemned in Scripture, yet there are admonitions to give wine to those who are suffering. So there is a similar difference between frivolously killing oneself because they didn't get their way or someone left them, and leaving life a little early from a terminal illness.

Many consider suicide to be the same as murder. One spiritual issue with suicide is that you won't be able to ask for forgiveness while alive. At least with murder, you can ask God to forgive you while you are here. Suicide can be seen as a lapse in trusting God, and putting more faith in death than in God. But there is also the doctrine of eternal salvation, so if you truly are a Christian, God will not disown you for that. However, you might lose some rewards in Heaven. Why? Because it hurts others too, and may cause others to question their faith. Unbelievers use the wrong behavior and weaknesses of religious people as an excuse to hate God, though in their frame of mind and heart, they don't really need any excuses. We are admonished to not lay stumbling blocks before others.

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12y ago
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12y ago

No, there are always alternatives to suicide. You just have to be willing to ask for help.

Of course, there is the issue of assisted suicide (euthanasia), and the motives are often noble, though we cannot judge if they are right or not. Unlike most suicide, it is not a rash act, nor based on anger, depression, self-hate, nor guilt. They don't want to drag out their suffering and pull their family into the suffering. They know that their terminal illness will only get worse, and they'd rather go peacefully while they still have most of their mental faculties. Then their families won't have to remember them at the worst. If someone physically suffers really bad, it may be the humane thing to let them go a little early rather than letting the disease take its full toll. That is what people do with terminally ill pets. They let the veterinarian put them down. Nobody can really say if euthanasia is right for anyone. That has to be between them, their conscience, their family, and whatever higher power they put their faith in. As an alternative, some who are terminally ill are content to be placed on heavy narcotics until they die from the illness. As for suicide in general and not for medical reasons nor to improve the lives of others, it is pretty much always the wrong thing to do.

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13y ago

Obviously, committing suicide is wrong. It's just as bad as taking someone else's life. There are many causes of suicidal attempts. 60% of time, people fail to succeed with suicide and end up being scarred for life. I don't aid people into these sort of things but if you're going to do it, then you should do it properly.

1) If you are feeling ill and depressed, get immediate help.

2) If your help isn't coming along and making no difference to your life at all and you are sure you want to go through with it, then follow these instructions.

- first, say goodbye to everything and everyone you love. If you can tell them about your suicidal plans, then go ahead. they deserve to know. if they try to stop you, which is very likely, then that's just fate and a definite 'Dont do it'. if they don't try and stop you, they want you to be happy and you are 100% sure, then carry on.

- Dont hang around about it. The more you hang about, the more people will find out and try to stop you. Get it done quick and easy.

- When you're ready and you feel like the time is right, decide how you're going to do it. Choose a way that you think will be bearable. If you choose to (for example) hang yourself, then change your mind in the process, you will regret it hugely. You will remain scarred forever physically, emotionally and mentally.

- Once you've thought up your way of dealing with this, write a note. Not a long one. Just a short paragraph or so about why you did it, how much you needed to do it, how much you loved those who you are about to leave behind, and how much you wish you could remain with them, but cant. and reasons for this. If you write a long note, pages and pages long then you'll just be babbling and never get round to it.

- Light a candle and say a few prayers. Even if you don't believe in god or Satan. It will give yourself a piece of mind.

- Now, before you go to do this, write 'Repent' on the inside of your left wrist, backwards if you can. I don't know, an old wives tale i think, but it's supposed to 'halo' you and send you to heaven and lead you to a better life somewhere else. :/

- Once you've done this, along with any other things you may have needed to do, you're ready to commit suicide. Make sure you leave the note somewhere you think the person you want to find it will find it. Make sure you are ready to do this. Are you happy with the way you are doing it? Are you 100% sure about it? Have you said so long to those your going to miss? Have you even considered of everyone? Are you sure you're not going to change your mind and want to stop in the middle of the process? and once more, are you alone and no one will find you whilst you are doing this and try to stop you? Make sure you are alone. Do it at 2am when everyone's asleep if you have to. Then lastly, you can do it. Just do it and be ready for whatever comes next...

1.Dont do anything stupid. 2.Be aware. 3. Good luck :)

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