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Yes and no. The cause of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases are multifactorial, and still under investigation. Crohn's shows a greater familial concordance than ulcerative colitis, and certain genes are of interest that have been shown to exist more frequently within IBD sufferers than non-sufferers, but it is likely an interplay of enviromental factors with these genes of interest that predispose's one to either Crohn's or UC. Environmental triggers of interest are: western lifestyle, excesive hygiene, inadequate vitamin d production, antibiotic use, early life consumption of refrigerated products, accutane...

I have 3 sibling with ulcerative colitis, and now I have been diagnosed with it. Recent research has pinpointed a genetic mutation in some families. Normal people (people without the disease) have a colon that releases a protective coating during times of stress. Those with the mutated gene have colons that do not release the protection. It's still a hypothesis from what I understand, but it sounds pretty logical to me. Each of us were diagnosed with the disease after times of extreme stress in our lives.

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Archibald Bernier

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Q: Is colitis hereditary
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What is colitis nonspecific mean?

It means that it may not be a true ulcerative colitis but may be colitis related to some infection or antibiotic induced colitis

How can someone get colitis?

You get colon cancer when a polyp in your large intestine turns into cancer. Indications exist that a diet high in fiber (a lot of vegetables and oatmeal) prevent polyps from forming and reduce your probability of getting colon cancer.

What are some factors of a colitis diet?

There are several sites that have information about colitis and diets for colitis. Here are two websites that might be able to help you: AND

What is the difference between colitis and ulcerative colitis?

Colitis is a general term referring to inflammation of the colon, which can be caused by various factors such as infection or autoimmune conditions. Ulcerative colitis is a specific type of colitis that is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease characterized by ulcers in the colon and rectum. Ulcerative colitis is a subset of colitis.

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No such thing as systemic colitis

Does geri halliwell have colitis?

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Bacterium induced colitis and pH?

Changes of pH in the bowel is an effect of colitis, and not the cause of colitis.

What is colitis called in the throat?

There is no such condition as colitis of the throat. Colitis means inflammation of the colon. Inflammation in the throat is called tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Can only men get colitis?

Men and women get colitis.

Does doxycycline cause colitis?

Doxycycline will not cause colitis.

What foods should i avoid with colitis?

I am not sure which foods you should aviod with colitis. I have never known anyone who actually has colitis. You should contact your local doctor to avoid with colitis

Is there a disease cluster dipsele colitis?

Clostridium difficile colitis.