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No, it is nothing to do with it. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the penis.

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Q: Is circumcision part of puberty
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What are the traditions when Africans attain puberty?

When Africans attain puberty they normally go through certain rituals to initiate them into adulthood. In some communities, circumcision is one of the things that take place at puberty.

What is circumcision and when is it usually done?

Circumcision is the removal of the protective foreskin (prepuce) from the top of the penis. It is most often done to infants or children. in some cases it is part of a Manhood right of passage ritual done at the beginning of puberty. This practice is n fact male genital mutilation.

Does the Ethiopian Orthodox Church practice ritual circumcision?

Circumcision is not a part of Christian tradition.

What part of speech is puberty?

Puberty is a noun.

When is the cutoff age for a circumcision?

When you start puberty and forward. You have usually reached the finished size at 15.

What part of the bible has the circumcision of Christ?

The circumcision of Christ was briefly mentioned in Luke 2:21.

Which circumcision is better part of whole?


During puberty for girls do you get hairy toes?

every part of your body has hair, but it is not part if puberty. It is normal.....

What is the significance of circumcision?

It is a part of our covenant with HaShem, the creator.

What are puberty rights?

There are no puberty "rights". Everyone goes through puberty and it is a natural part of life and growing up.

Can you produce sperm if you have had a circumsition?

Circumcision. One thing has nothing to do with the other. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin that covers the head of the penis. Sperm are produced in the testicle's. Semen production will start sometime during puberty. Anywhere from 10 to 14. Everyone is different.

Is growth spurt a part of puberty?

Yes. Puberty is when your body is changing physically and mentally.