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No, it is not. Bone is strong but it doesn't bend easily. Cartilage is more flexible.

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Q: Is cartilage less flexible than bone?
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Is cartilage flexible?

Yes, cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that provides support and cushioning to joints in the body. It is less rigid than bone but still has a firm and elastic structure.

What is an antonym for cartilage?

The opposite of Cartilage Are Ligaments because the cartilage is more flexible than bone.

Connective tissue that is more flexible than bone?


What is a connective tissue that is more flexible than bone?

It is known as cartilage.

Why is shark cartilage important to the shark?

cartilage is more flexible than bone making the shark more hydrodynamic.

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Tough supportive tissue that is softer than bone?

Cartilage is a tough, flexible connective tissue that is softer than bone. It provides structure and support to various parts of the body, such as the joints, ears, and nose. Cartilage also helps cushion and protect bones from rubbing against each other.

What is a connective tissue more flexible than bone called?

Generally, ligaments attach bones to bones while tendons attach muscles to bones.

What is a difference between bone and cartilage. 1. bones are more flexible than cartilage 2. bones are harder than cartilage 3.bones are larger than cartilage?

Bones are harder than cartilage, which is a firm but flexible connective tissue. Bones are also larger and provide more structural support and protection for the body compared to cartilage. Bones contain bone marrow, which is responsible for producing blood cells, while cartilage does not have this function.

What function does cartilage perform in a joint?

It surrounds the end of the bone to prevent bones from grinding against each other. Cartilage acts as shock absorbers as well.

Are sharks bony?

No sharks are not 'bony'. The skeletal makeup of sharks is cartilage. Although cartilage is dense and can be bone-like it is significantly less dense than bone.