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I wore a heart monitor for 24 hours and my heart stopped beating 17 times. The fastest rate was 115 and the slowest was 48. Should I be concerned or could it be medication?

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Q: Is bradycardia progressive
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What is the combining vowel for bradycardia?

There is no combining vowel in bradycardia.

What does the medical abbreviation sv bradycardia mean?

SV bradycardia means supraventricular bradycardia - a slow heart rate generated by sinus node.

Bradycardia Is bradycardia life threatening?

Brady Cardia can become life threatening if it is ingested in the human body.

What is relative bradycardia?

In bradycardia for every one degree rise in temperature or fever there is 10 times rise in pulse rate.but in relative bradycardia pulse rate remains same despite of increasing temperature.

What is the opposite of tachycardia?

bradycardia. Tachycardia is a Heart Rate over 100 BPMs while Bradycardia is a HR below 60

Is bradycardia a sign of cardiac tamponade?


What is the word root of bradycardia?

The word root of bradycardia is "brady-", which means slow. In this context, "brady-" refers to a slow heart rate.

What does symptomatic bradycardia mean?

Bradycardia is a slow heart beat (below 60), and symptomatic means that it is causing symptoms. So a person who has symptomatic bradycardia has a slow heart rate, and it is affecting them in a negative way.

What is the medical term for a person with a low pulse rate?

Bradycardia is the medical term for a low pulse rate, which is typically defined as a heart rate below 60 beats per minute. Bradycardia can be normal in athletes or due to certain medical conditions or medications.

What are 4 causes of bradycardia in the neonate?

collagen vascular disease in mother sinus bradycardia structural heart disease apnoea of prematurity

What medical term means abnormally slow heart rate?

No, that would be called tachycardia. Bradycardia is an abnormally slow heartbeat.

What three nursing diagnosis for bradycardia?

Increases risk for alteration in tissue perfusion related to decreased cardiac output as evidenced by bradycardia. This is what i have.... I need 2 more! :)