Yes you can consume amla in pregnancy.
can you have anything with red dye while pregnant?
This drug is safe during pregnancy.
Cetrizine is not safe during pregnancy. You can take promethazine (Phenergan). That is safe during pregnancy.
Yes, it is safe to take Eno during pregnancy.
Chlorpheniramine maleate is safe during pregnancy.
Yes, it has been used for a long time and no problems have occurred. From the website Pregnant women: Can be administered during pregnancy; no particular risks are known.
NoFresh milk is not safe during pregnancy.
Again, I stress--ask your doctor. When in doubt, don't consume anything without asking your physician.
Any alcohol should be evaporated while it is cooked. However, consume it in small amounts.
Cephadroxil is one of the very safe drugs to be used during pregnancy.
Yes. Green apple is safe during pregnancy.