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Its a virus, that's why antibiotic will not help at all as they only help against bacterial infections.

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Krystal Bernier

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2y ago
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Q: Is bacteria or virus a common cold?
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What type of microbe is the cold?

The common cold is caused by a VIRUS not a microbe (a microbe is a bacteria).

What bacteria causes rhinovirus?

Rhinovirus is not a bacteria. It is a virus. The name means 'nose virus' and often causes what we call the common cold.

What is the bacteria found in the common cold called?

Bacteria do not cause the common cold. It is caused by a virus.

Does the virus cause a common cold?

Yes a virus does cause the common cold.

Why penicillin is not effective against common cold?

The common cold is a virus. Viruses have to run its complete life cycle. Penicillin is an antibiotic, used to rid the body's system of bacteria.

Is the rhinovirus a bad bacteria?

No, the rhinovirus is not a bacterium, it is a virus. It is responsible for causing the common cold in humans.

Where did the common cold come from?

The common cold is caused by a virus passed from person to person. This rhinovirus is the virus that causes the common cold.

Is a cold sore caused by a bacteria?

A cold sore is caused by a virus.

What does bacteria and virus have in common?


Which bacteria is in cold sores?

There isn't any bacteria in cold sore, they are caused by a virus called oral herpes.

Is the virus common cold aerobic or anaerobic?

Viruses, like the common cold virus, are not categorized in that way as bacteria are. Viruses are neither. Since they are non-living organisms (unlike bacteria that are living), they have no oxygen requirements and can be "active" with or without it. Their hosts' cells, that they hijack to create new viruses, do need oxygen, however, so it is necessary for the cells so they can reproduce the virus particles for viral reproduction, but not necessary for each virus particle itself.

What is the rhino virus Howrse answer?

the rhino virus is the common cold