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Q: Is aspergers and dementia related
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Dementia is not related to midlife crisis.

Why can age related dementia be mistaken for dementia?

Age related memory impairment can have the same characteristics as dementia. A doctor will need to do tests to determine one from another.

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No I do not think so. Dementia and Alzheimer's is more similar.

Does Alzheimer's disease cause dementia or is it a form of dementia?

Alzheimer's is a form of dementia that specifically results in memory loss. If you'd like more information on the symptoms of dementia, as well as some options for those with dementia, please visit the link in the related links.

Does post polio syndrome cause low hemoglobin and dementia?

There is no evidence that Post Polis Syndrome can cause dementia, but PPS sufferers' can develop dementia which is non-related to PPS, such as Alzheimers' Disease.

Does Parkinson's lead to dementia?

About half the people with Parkinson's Disease end up with dementia. It is thought that Parkinson's Disease alone does not cause dementia, but other age related factors in addition to Parkinson's Disease may increase the chance of dementia developing.

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potential impact of discrimination on an individual with dementia

What is profound Aspergers?

It is a more severe version of aspergers

Is aspergers syndrome and asburgers syndrome the same thing?

Close, asburgeres sounds similar to aspergers. Asburgeres specifically does not exist but aspergers does. Other names for aspergers is asperger(s) syndrome and autistic psychopathy which is the original name for aspergers.

Is dementia age-specific?

Dementia, for the most part, is age-related. It typically affects those aged 65+. There is something, though, known as early onset Alzheimer's, a form of dementia. This form refers to dementia that refers to a person who may be as young as in their 50's being affected.

What is the treatment for Dementia?

The general treatment for dementia is medication prescribed by the doctor(s) looking after the patient. There are other non prescription drug related treatments as well.

Is aspergers a mentall illness?

Aspergers is not a mentall illness it is not a diesease you can,t catch aspergers by being around someone with aspergers. People with aspergers are born with it. Although aspergers affects the way people think and veiw the world it is not a diesese. Recent aspergers studies have shown that in brains of people with aspergers there is a difference in the way the brain is wired and set up. and there have also been studies of aspergers brain waves and it showed the brain waves of people with aspergers differed from nerotypical brain waves. Just because people with aspergers think differently does not make them mentally ill there is a huge difference between the two.