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Q: Is alcohol bad for a pre diabetic?
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Is a glucose level of 110 too high in the morning?

If you're diabetic already, it's not too bad. If you're wondering if you're diabetic, it's definitely on the high side and you should have yourself checked -- you could be borderline or pre-diabetic.

is hot sauce bad for a diabetic ?

is hot sauce bad for a diabetic ?

What types of wine to avoid if diabetic?

EVERY TYPE! Alcohol turns into sugar temporarily when being processed by the body and sugar is bad for diabetics.

What kinds of food should be included in a pre diabetic diet?

Here is a website that can guide you through finding the best pre-diabetic diet for you.

Should an non diabetic take Metformin?

If non diabetic but with pre diabetes or insulin resistance, i recommend metformin.

What are diabetic meals and their significance?

Diabetic meals are significant to people that are diabetic or pre-diabetic and would need to eat these certain types of foods to help control their insulin levels. You can find diabetic meal ideas at

Can an etg prove alcohol in a diabetic?

Yes. The alcohol metabolite tested for in an EtG test is only present if alcohol has been present.

Can a urine sample prove alcohol consumption from a diabetic?

Yes. No problem.

Is 170 reading after food diabetic?

It is not a level indicating diabetes but pre-diabetes.

How about diet soda for pre-diabetic diet?

I would recommend drinking DIET sodas if you are a Pre-diabetic because if you don't and you drink Regular Sugary drinks you will be at high risk for diabetes (Only if your Doctor says's you are a Pre_diabetic)

Can Mountain Dew be bad for a type 1 diabetic?

All pop is bad for a diabetic, type 1 or 2. Way too much sugar.

Why does diabetic patient experience more chillness than a non diabetic patient?

because of bad circulation