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Be careful with asking those questions and seriously investigating; if the rumors are true, and conspiracy theorists are correct that the Nazis are not dead, but have merely gone underground, look too deeply into it and someone could be sent to murder you. It does not take rocket science to realize, the disease is a deliberate act of genocide; the story goes, that the virus originated in the most dirt poor places in Africa, and, inexplicably, from there it spread to ALL black populations within the space of only 5 years, when the virus can remain dormant for up to 3 years. Given the time scales they give and the nature of the virus, it is plain and clear it was engineered by malicious people, likely the remnants of the Nazis. If the Nazis are still around, they are not the dated technology, primitive 1940's types we see in WWII films; chances are they are every bit as tech savvy as everyone else in the modern world, and have their share of experts in every field imagineable, all white of course.

It is a bit suspicious, that the highest standard of living in the world is the cradle of nordic peoples. Jim Marrs threw an accusation, that the Nazis secretly control the banking of the western world, it stands to reason, that the reason Scandinavian countries have such a high living standard is because they want that "pure breeding pool" well taken care of. It begs the question though, why are there so many Arabs in Norway? Simple answer to that is given by Machievelli; "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer," what better way to find a way to eradicate semitic people than to observe them up close? Far as the Nazis are concerned, Arabs are pure semites, being cousins to Jews obviously they too are seen as a threat.

You better leave it alone, and not SERIOUSLY look into it. Those people are very dangerous, better not mess with them unless you're a Ninja, like the ones from "Ninja Assassin." Don't take them on, unless you are prepared to be that ruthless, because it will take that manner of ruthlessness, to bring them down.

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11y ago

Conspiracy theorists allege that HIV was created in a bio-weapons laboratory... These have been rejected by scientific consensus...

It was originated in non-human primates in Sub-Saharan Africa and was transferred to humans during the late 19th or early 20th century.... and the nonhuman primate has their own version, it is SIV... which is present since 32,000 years ago... among 33 species of African primates... The most likely route of transmission of HIV-1 to humans involves contact with the blood of chimps that are often hunted for bushmeat in Africa... and also there people who is resistant to HIV Viruses...

No-one is arguing that mankind has never tried biological warfare. During the 6th century BC, the Assyrians poisoned enemy wells with a fungus... Smallpox-infected blankets were generously given to Native Americans, and WWII experiments by Nazis and the Japanese were deliberately aimed at developing such techniques.... But there is no evidence that HIV is such a project...

Famous for lethal human experimentation - Nazi Experiments - Leader - Dr. Josef Mengele (known as angel of death), Unit 731 by Japan (conducted mostly on Chinese, Russians), The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Project 4.1, human medical experiments in Guatemala by US (infecting nearly 100 Guatemalans with gonorrhea and syphilis), Stanford Prison Experiment conducted on prisoners, Poison laboratory of the Soviets etc...

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9y ago

No. A disease that matches the description of Ebola has been around a lot longer than humans have had the ability to engineer diseases.

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11y ago

AIDs is a chronic disease.

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