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well no not really, because sweating can put baktirea on the skin which causes pimples , work outs are good but after wards have a shower and wash your face, a good way to get rid of pimples is holding ice for a few minutes to the pimple, pop[ping it is not a good way, if u do pop it put clenser on it strait after another way is with pimple creams and lotions

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Q: Is a workout a good way to get rid of pimples?
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What is the quickest way to get rid of pimples?

the way i get rid of them is by putting on a face mask of honey and limon:] ily bebe(miguel) lol tht cute!

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Going swimming in saltwater helps alot.

Do oranges get rid of pimples?

Yes they do! Oranges and lemons are a good way to get rid of pimples. Another good way to get rid of a stubborn pimple is perfume! Yup perfume! It works because of the alchohal content that is in perfum, so you just spray some on your finger and a apply it to the pimple (hands must be clean first though!!) And to use the orange, you squeez the juice out and get a cotton ball and dip it in and use it as if it was a toner, or a cleanser! Hope it helped!! :)

What is a good way to get rid of pimples?

Hold ice against the pimple for about 3 or 4 minutes, it should go down, if not hold the ice on for longer. hope it helps

What happened in the end of the book of zitface?

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How do you get pimples of your back?

A good way to get rid of back acne is to exfoliate your back with a light exfoliant every day in the shower. Other than that, it may just be genetics and you'll have to just wait it out:/

What is the best way to get rid of pimples with only using household items?

toothpaste or bubble gum thick cough syrup

How do you get rid of puffy pimples?

Pimples are caused by the accumulation of dirt, sweat and germs on the pore of the face. Pimples are one way for the body to get rid of excess unwanted materials. Pimples can also be caused by lack of proper hygiene, stress, not drinking lots of water, lack of vitamins or even lack of exercise for respiration for the body to get rid of unwanted materials. Therefore, practice good facial hygiene, wash the face twice a day, drink lots of water, exercise and try not to stress yourself. You can practice home remedies like use of honey mask or lemon juice.

How do you get rid of pimles?

There is no definite way to "eliminate" pimples completely. To help clear up pimples use Clean and Clear face wash. Its Oil free and it has a purple pump and the wash is orange. Sorry i dont know the name. :(

What's the best way to get rid of a pimple?

Here are simple tips that could help you get rid of pimples : 1. The first and foremost tip is to keep your skin clean. You should wash your face at least two times a day. 2. Keep your hands off of your face. This is extremely important. Unless your hands have just been washed. 3. Drinking water. Your body is full of toxins that cause pimples. So, when you drink plenty of water, you flush the toxins out. 4. Eating healthy. Try to avoid eating junk foods and fast foods. It is advisable to quit eating oily, spicy and junk food which can aggravate pimples. Having pimples really embarrassing and a hassle when trying to get rid of them. To get rid of pimples, people will try many different things. Visit There, you can get more tips to avoid pimples..

What is the most effective way to avoid pimples on your face?

Get an exfoliator/face scrubber and when in the shower put soap and water on your face and scrub!