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can you tell me if the following blood tests results are normal in my 6 year old daughter please

hb 144

wbc 20.3

plt 280

mcv 80

neut 19.2

urea 7.7

na 139

k 4.6

creat 49

bili 22

alb 57

crp 4

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11y ago

yes it's normal

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Q: Is a white blood cell count of 20.3 normal?
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When you get sick, your white blood cell count is higher than normal your immune system, your white blood cell count can drop to very low levels.

High white blood cell count?

i have a white cell count of 13.7 is this high This is above the normal range.

Is 13.2 percent white blood cell count normal?

A white blood cell count of 13.2% is within the normal range. Normal white blood cell counts typically fall between 4.5% to 11% of total blood composition. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for a comprehensive assessment of blood test results.

What is the normal white blood cell count for an 18 year old male?

A normal white blood cell count for an 18 year old male is between 4,500 and 10,000 white blood cells per microliter. If you have low blood cells, it is called leukopenia.

Is White cell count 12.5 good?

white cell count 12.5 thousand/cumm shows mild inf. in adult, however it is normal in neonate. ref.range in adult is 4.0-11.0 thous/cumm.

White causes blood cell count over 20000?

Normal white blood cell counts of adults range from 4,000-10,000. Higher white blood cell counts could signal an infection. A white blood cell count could be an infection or something more serious, such as leukemia.

Your white blood cound is 4.8 What is normal?

A normal white blood cell count is between 5,000 and 10,000 cells per cubic millimeter.

What is the normal count of basophils in a blood test?

The normal range for basophils in a blood test is typically 0.5-1% of the total white blood cell count. They are the least common type of white blood cell. Abnormal levels may indicate certain medical conditions.

Should I be concerned if my white blood cell count was in the low normal range of 4.5?


What is the normal reference range for a total white blood cell count?

The average Leukocyte count is [4-10]

Is a white blood cell count of 12400 considered abnormal?

Yes, the normal range of white blood cells is 4500 to 10000