Pathological Narcissism is a defense mechanism against the hurt and threat of ealy childhood abuse. The narcissist is, therefore, in a constant state of inner turmoil, conflict, insecurity, and rage.
There are only 2 kinds of people who are of use to Narcissists: Those who can pump them up & those whom they can put down. They are insecure, scared little people. This is why they must have the 2 above listed situations to survive. They never developed emotionally past the Terrible Twos. One or both parents never allowed them to "grow up". Many are Mama's Boys. If you think you're involved with a Narcissist, please read the book "Why Is It Always About You"...written by Sandy Hotchkiss, LCSW. And, if you learn you're with a Narcissist....Run like H___! There is NO CURE for Narcissism!!! I was married to a Narcissist who was also diagnosed by his psychiatrist as bipolar. Goes hand in hand. My doctor recommended this book to me. My doctor saved my life. My ex was sucking the life out me! My doctor told me I was dying & to get out ASAP! You CANNOT FIX A NARCISSIST! And, NO...You'll NEVER be happy with a Narcissist...unless you're ready to keep he/she in the limelight 100% of the time + allow him/her to mentally/emotionally abuse you! I don't wish this situation on anyone. It was the most horrible experience in my life! And, as far as getting away from them during divorce.....You'll go through a living hell getting out of it. You must be strong + have family & friends for support...because he/she will stalk, harass you to no end. I had to get a protective order. It's not pretty. I had to plan it out & leave without him suspecting...because I was afraid of what he'd do if he knew I was leaving him. So, please be careful....whether you're a woman or a man. Hope this helps. I hope I've save one or more people from this horrible experience.
Sometimes they get depressed,but no they do not know they are unhappy because they are delusional and even if everything is gone and destroyed they believe something will happen that will change all that....They are true parasites, they are always in survive mode.....And they get their supply not only from people but also from thoughts,memories,etc.....
No, one should never marry a sociopath. Marriage involves trust, and a sociopath by his very nature cannot ever be trusted completely.
The sociopath showed no remorse for his harmful actions towards others.
no, because they are not sociable and as a result of that, they have little contact with other people.
If they don't want helping then you can't. Most sociopaths are completely happy as they are and they will not allow people to help them.
happy ever
Smile a costs nothing and you can ever be happy!
The sociopath lacked empathy and manipulated others for personal gain.
Get away from him and the relationship. Tell him to get help, or lose you. As simple as that, and I mean intense therapy. If he thinks he has no problems and doesn't want help, then help yourself and do what ever you need to do to prepare for leaving him, and divorcing him. Find someone to stay with, break off all contact (which is hard because a sociopath's victim often becomes almost addicted to them and the cycle of sociopath abuse). Good luck, and run as fast as you can to save yourself. It's very rare for a sociopath to ever change or want to change, even meds and therapy rarely help them.
You don't. Get as far away from a sociopath as you possibly can.
Happy Ever Afters was created on 2009-10-10.
There are technical differences, but it is largely a matter of degree. Neither is likely to ever be a decent partner.